Tomorrow is another day...

Ughhhhh - so what did I have planned for today???  Oooooooh - and what did I accomplish????  Hmmmmm
Wow what an afternoon.

Everything just seemed to go downhill.  
I had the best intentions. 
I was so excited today throughout the entire day.  
Everything was planned out for today to the "T".  
And its funny how one or two things can just set things into nuttiness.  Missing an ingredient or two or my new recipe... so run to the supermarket, a change in schedule - beyond my control, helping my mother in law with some urgent phone calls - and before I knew it I was typing - and it was delicious!!!!

It was a little discouraging for a while but - but I learned alot which will help me prepare for tomorrow.  

This afternoon:
I was able to have a teachable moment with Elizabeth
I was able to complete a project for a friend
I was able to listen to Caleb read his book on Jesus (with minimal help)
I was able to organize my project for all my beautiful girls
I was able to help my mother in law

And in doing these things I was able to see areas that I needed to put more effort into and tweak a little better.  But in the midst of all this - there was sooo much to be thankful for... One being that I was very very thankful that God has allowed me to work close to home, that I can be able to pick up my kids right after school, that I have a wonderful babysitter.  It made me think that if it was nutty today, I couldn't imagine getting out of work at 5 to rush to pick up the kids, to rush home and start homework and dinner and etc., etc., ahhhhhhh

So "my" schedule didn't go as planned, but everyone got fed.  We got to spend some time together.  I have all my ingredients ready for tomorrow and for dinner for the rest of the week.  And I feel good.  

And while doing all this - I sit here and look at my husband and smile.  He knows me so well...  and loves me so much.  I am very thankful for him, for my children, for my life...  looking forward to tomorrow!!!!