How Great....

I love to sing...
Nope I'm not a "singer"...
but I love to sing...
Several months ago I joined the worship team in our church...
and so far I haven't been kicked out...
so maybe I can sing... lol

But one of the reasons I do love to sing is because of a phrase in a song I love...

If you have ever heard "How Great is our God" - there is a line that says

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Oh how I love that part:  Yes sing with me!!! Let us praise His name together... Let us sing about how great our God truly is. Can you imagine how one day we will be worshiping Him together!?!  All those voices worshiping Him... incredible!!!

On Sunday after the worship team finished singing this song, our Pastor asked the congregation that question... How great is our God? What is great about out God?

Many people raised their hands and even though I have heard many of these answers before, there was just something about standing there in worship praising God and listening to the people describe How Great He truly is. Some of the answers were:
He is our Creator
He is our Savior
He is our Healer
He is our Comforter
He is Merciful
He is Loving
He is Patient

and these were just some of the answers... there were so many more.

Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

yes my heart will sing How great is our God - day after day after day...He and He alone is worthy of our praise.  Who is God to you?  Why is God great?  

Here is the song - in case you have never heard it or don't know it... you can sing along... and be blessed!!

With Love,

Business Plans???

I've been creating "things" for well over 15 years.  I've done my shares of invitations for all sorts of parties, planned Sweet 15 and or 16 birthday parties, weddings, parties of other sorts, decorating, conferences, retreats, etc... then shifted gears and did cards, favors, chocolates, hair flowers, etc... Some things were business... others personal and others just because... It was an incredibly fun season.

I loved working under stress... the running around, the last minute preparation, bringing dreams to reality, working all night and having my hubby as my sidekick... He was my chauffeur, my consultant, assistant, decorator, and the list goes on and on...  and he was a great sport about it (poor thing... as I know none of it truly bought him any joy but he did it because he loved me).

A time came when I had to take a break... it all just seemed like too much and alot of times it wasn't really appreciated or even fun anymore.  As more people became more computer savy, people thought they could get a consultation and then take the ideas and do their own thing... or the price was an issue, or they changed their mind...and then at the last minute come back and want help because the work was more than they realized it was going to be.

During this hiatus I've always had my group of people who have tried to encourage me to start back up again or who gave me some projects... but I always stayed in the background many times recommending them to other people.  During this time I have just continued to pray for what God would want me to do regarding my love of crafting.  In as much as crafting brings me joy... I do have a job, three awesome kids, church related functions and a busy hubby who I love to help!!  And in all that I do my ultimate desire is to bring Him glory so I have to be careful that my "wants" don't interfere with His will for my life.

But it truly is remarkable how He sometimes sends someone our way to encourage us and motivate us.  Many times I am the one pushing someone to take that step and trying to help them bring that dream for their lives a reality.  I love cheering people on, encouraging them.  In today's world we just seem to be bombarded with no you can't, you are not good enough, why do you want to do that, etc.  Words are truly powerful and we have to be careful we don't extinguish someone's dream.

This past week - a young lady by the name of Joy - has bought so much joy into my life. I really do not know her but we are friends on Facebook so we kinda sorta know each other... but God sent her my way to be a encourager to me and she has been such an incredible firecracker with such beautiful and awesome words...  It was almost as if I was listening to myself speak to a friend of mine several months ago letting her know that yes she can do this!!!  But now I was on the receiving end, and as much as I was doubting she began to send me messages encouraging me to the point that now I have several projects to do including one for her!!!  How did this happen!?!?!?

I don't know where this journey will lead - as Joy has already chosen the name for my business and has come up with a plan (it just totally cracks me up and makes me giddy).  After a long time of not being able to see where I was going - I can now begin to see a path which might take me on an interesting journey... and as I shared with my sidekick what was going on... he just smiled and looked at me and said okay.  I loved that loving and tender look because knowing I had his support spoke volumes to my heart.

So as I prepare to take a step on this path onto a new journey, I pray you will join me as we have fun sharing my adventures together... and if you know me - you know that right now I'm not focused on the destination but on the laughs I'll have along the way!!! Just have to decided if I want silver sparkly shoes or maybe some nice red ones for this journey!!!

Love in our Home

Its 9:51pm on a Saturday night...

My kiddies are almost done watching a movie...

My hubby is doing some studying for his Sunday School class tomorrow...

I'm here cuddled up on my favorite part of the sofa (my corner) under my blanket.

Tonight we went out on our Valentine's Date.  On Valentine's Day we celebrated our love for the family together... tonight it was just us - my hubster and I.  I truly love my husband and sooo appreciate the incredible love that he has for me.  Only God can give a gift like that!!

I look around and admire all of my Valentine's decor... I did a little more than usual this year... more so for the kids. There were some projects that they helped me with and others that they watched me do... but the most important part of it all was that during these projects we were able to have good conversations about life and love, not just the romantic lovey dovey love that fades away, but true love.

You see I want my children to have a deep appreciation for what real love is.  First and foremost the love that our Heavenly Father has for us and that we should have for Him.  The love toward each other, their love for us and us for them and especially the love that they see with mommy and daddy.  I want the them to grow up seeing true love displayed in our home... to see the hugs and the kisses, to hear the I love yous, to hear the silliness and sounds of mom and dad laughing like crazy... I want my daughters to see what it looks like to love and be loved as well as my son to see the same.  I don't want TV shows, magazines, or friends to teach them what love is... I want it seen at home.

The Lord has truly blessed us.  We are not a perfect marriage or have it all put together, we have our moments, our highs and lows - but we do truly do love each other and our family.

Once again I was able to see how much my children pay attention to what is going on around them and the impact it leaves on their heart.  I love that my children are able to see those special qualities in their dad.  When they were making their heart wreath for him - the question was "What do you love about your dad"... and to hear their answers was truly touching - they weren't just throwing out answers - but sharing stories and memories with those answers.  Just thinking back on that day makes my heart smile.

I am so thankful for all that the Lord has given to us - the gift of love - the ability to give it, receive it and show it.

As I sit here looking at the remnants of Valentine's day... the handmade cards, the left over chocolate wrappers, my beautiful roses and the fallen petals... I take it all in.  Soon it will all be cleaned up, the Valentine's decor will be replaced by Spring... but love will still reign in our home.  Hugs, kisses, cuddling, laughter, conversations... How can I not sing praises to the Lord and shout my adoration for Him...


Several months ago I "disconnected" from different things to spend more time enjoying the holidays and spending time doing things with my family and doing things that I truly enjoyed.  Little by little I have cut down on my facebook time and I was honestly praying about whether or not to continue on with my blog.

Its funny when you stop to think about how much time one spends doing meaningless "stuff". The hours become days, the days become weeks and so on... I know that many of you can relate and understand where I am coming from.

During this time I also came to truly reconnect with the most important relationship of all and that is with Jesus Christ.  Not that I disconnected from Him... but if I am to be honest - I don't feel that I was giving Him my first fruits.  I was giving Him what I had left over after I spent all my time doing all that other "stuff".  

I have to admit that I also had a very hard time with the transition in September when my husband stepped down from youth ministry due his responsibilities of being an Elder and also as he felt led to minister to the young adults of our church. This ministry was something we did together - since the time we were dating...  got married, during my pregnancies and birth of our children.  It felt like it I would leave the hospital and a few days later I was back with the youth serving alongside my husband.  I was active in the ministry -  teaching a couple of times a week, serving, counseling, etc... and all of a sudden one day it was over.  But what I have come to realize through much prayer and study is that God had another plan for my life.  It was a new season... which I had to savor and enjoy to the fullest. As I follow Christ and serve alongside my husband in a different capacity, as I focus on the essentials, I am finding joy.

My main role is to love my husband and children, to guard my purity, to be a worker - a kind worker - at home, and to be subject to my husband so that the Word of God may not be dishonored... and any other thing that I pursue must not interfere with these priorities.  My family is the Lord's work.

It is of utmost importance to remember that our relationship with Christ comes first. We have to remember that God is God and that is all we need to know.  We have to realize that our moment by moment fellowship with Him is the most satisfying thing in our life and we must have a passion for bringing God glory in everything we do.

As we set Him always before us, we will be able to do all that we do as an act of true worship