He Knows My Name...

The Creator of the universe... 
the One who made the sun and the stars... 
the One that from dirt created man... 
the One who healed the sick... 
the One who rose the dead to life... 
and the One who was beaten, whipped, crucified, died and rose on the third day... yes He... He knows my name. 

I am not a stranger to my Lord and Savior, I am not just another creature to Him... I am His daughter...

He is my Maker, He formed my heart even before time began.

I love this song... it reminds me that when I am hurting and sad... when I am struggling with something... when I am feeling lonely - I am not alone. My heavenly Father He knows my name, my thoughts... and He sees each tear that falls and always hears me when I call.

This is only possible because I have a relationship with my Father, a personal one... My relationship does not consist on what I do or how hard I work, it doesn't consist of lighting candles or wearing special colored ribbons... all He desires is our heart. 

Do you desire to know Jesus - to know Him personally... 

Here is how you can receive Him into your heart:

1. Admit your need (I am a sinner).
2. Be willing to turn from your sins (repent).
3. Believe that Jesus died for you on the cross and rose from the grave.
4. Through prayer, invite Jesus to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit. (Receive Him as Lord and Savior.)

I pray that you can know Him personally... if you have any questions or need further information, please let me know... remember all is wants is your heart... 

Be blessed...


Several months ago, being the "gardener" that I am, I purchased several planting pots, dirt and seeds!!! I was determined to do some planting, well that never happened.

Several weeks ago, my precious Priscilla had a friend over and I decided that we should put all this stuff to use. They got out the pots and put in the dirt and arranged the seeds carefully.

It was interesting to see what followed in the next several weeks... Each day my daughter would pass by the little pot and make sure nothing happened to it... she patted the dirt and poured in the water... she would be playing and all of a sudden I would here the screen door open and close - "Priscilla what are you doing?"... "checking on my plant mom" she would reply...

Well a couple of weeks ago - to my surprise I was amazed to see a little green bud popping out... I was shocked... with all the "love" and patting and moving that this little plant endured, it truly was a miracle that anything popped out at all. I'm just astonished that God makes that possible... out of a tiny seed - birth...

Each day as I see this little plant grow more and more - and how I see the care Priscilla gives it... to the point of even arranging stones and leaves around it (I guess to "encourage" growth)... it makes me think of that seed that is planted in our hearts...

Here are some interesting observations: when those seeds are in their package... nothing happens - they could be there for a very very long time and they will remain seeds. Seeds are usually very small in size - but the plant that the seeds produces grows to an incredible size. A seed does not rest, once planted - it works day and night... and again once planted - if the seed is not watered... it will die.

How beautiful it is that when we share the Word of God with someone... and let then know that "...God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) - that seed is planted in their hearts. When a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit brings that seed to life. And with tender love and care, through prayer, fellowship, and learning... that seed grows and blossoms. Sometimes that relationship with Him takes off like a firecracker... and sometimes its a slow process - but the end result is that those words shared - take root in their hearts and in their lives - His Word never returns void...

Have you been planting seeds in the lives of others... or have you been "nourishing" someone and helping someone in their walk... through words of encouragement, love, and prayer... go on... its never too late to begin.

Be blessed... 

Pleasing the Lord...

I am a people-pleaser..

Yes as hard as it is to admit (because I don't like the sound of it) I am... but little by little I have been discovering that I am able to say "no".

Recently I had to say no to someone and goodness it was something that I was dreading... but I was able to meet with the person today and without 101 excuses, shared that at this was not the right time and it was not something we did not want to do.

Whoa!!!! If you know me - you will know that one of my favorites replies is a cheerful"no problem"... Yep... no problem... but you see its something that the Lord has been convicting me on and something that I have been praying about. One of the verses that I am memorizing is "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10 ESV)

You see the first problem that people like me tend to do is to seek validation from the world. But no matter how much the world loves or hates you, your value, your true worth can only come from our Lord and Savior. You can give all your time all of your efforts to please others and it still won't do nothing for us... You know something you won't feel fulfilled or even at ease... but probably just the opposite because then you will start to doubt if you did enough, if you gave enough, what they thought of you. But the lesson we must learn is that we need to learn is that the only one that can give you true worth and fill that void is that Lord.

We must also realize that we are loved beyond words. Our value has never changed with God and there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any more, or any less... you see its not about works... He wants our hearts...

But you know what broke it down for me - its my daughter Elizabeth... like I have mentioned before - as hard as it is for me to admit - my precious one is my mini me. And why does that sound like if its a bad thing... we would want our children to be like us... right??? Hmmmm its just a strange thing - its like having an outer body experience - where we can see our flaws right to our face... those things we don't like about ourselves... from the big things to the little things... and then I see how hard she tries to please me... how hard she works to get that affirmation, that sense of approval... and day after day I try to remind her of how proud I am of her and that I love her... and just like Jesus reminds me - I remind her that there is nothing she can do that will make me love her any less. I want her to know and to grow up knowing that she doesn't have to work for love, for acceptance, but that her security comes from the Lord - who loves her beyond any words.

Our God is the same way. He doesn’t want His children thinking they have to work for His love. He wants them to run to Him knowing that He loved us sooo much - that He died on the cross for us... He reminds us that He did it all...

What a beautiful reminder that is...

Where is your identity found? I have learned that mine is found in Him... and that is the legacy that I want to pass on to my children... that if the world is going to criticize or judge you - let it be because you lived your life to please Him above all things...

Be blessed...

The truth...

I just finished speaking to someone who is very close to me and who is so much more than a friend.  She has been stressing out about life... and I can't blame her. Its one thing after another. Just when she thinks she is catching her breath she gets hit with a right, she turns around and gets hit with a left... and just when she is dusting herself off, there comes a flurry of jabs...

Its not easy being a friend... when it comes down to the hard stuff (not too many "friends" stick around).  Its easy when its all about having fun and laughing and joking and such... Can we say that we our friend up emotionally, spiritually and physically when its gets tough. Its a blessing when we have a friend that we are able to get strength from, where we are encouraged and feel loved.  In a world where we are bashed and told we are not good enough and which offers us a list of things we need or have to change its comforting to have someone where we can be ourselves, where we can turn to talk to, to cry and who will listen to our heart.  

And she is that friend... you see in the midst of her battles, when she is dusting herself off - she is asking how she can help you - she is unselfish, loving, and caring... always concerned for the well-being of others... and in doing so she forgets about herself and then becomes consumed with what is happening to those she loves that she gets burdened and those burdens seem to sometimes re-prioritize her relationship with her Friend.

She has such a tender and beautiful heart - and I have learned that a true friend will also be there to say the difficult things - to truly impact a friend's heart and because of that shared trust, we are able to share that hard message with truth and grace... 

Sometimes the last thing someone wants to hear is your typical "Christian" answer... it tends to sound like if we have it all together... when that is farthest from the truth - because none of us are perfect... someone dear to me once told me that opinions and suggestions are like noses... everyone has one... but there is nothing like the Word of God - that is not an opinion or a suggestion but His Truth.  

The Word will comfort us, console us, give us direction and wisdom, give us hope...  and the list can go on and on.  There is nothing more beautiful than when scripture is shared.  

So to you who reads this  - soak in the Word of the Lord... envelope yourself in His Living Word... let it refresh you... "Be anxious for nothing" the Word tells us... " but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 says...

There are times that we want to turn and run and hide - but to you I say - you need to return back to Him (He waits with open arms) and as it says in Matthew 11:28 "I will give you rest".  

Rest in Him - find your joy in Him my friend... 

Be blessed...
Be loved... by Him...

As they move on...

Photo by Emmanuel Gundran
Last night my husband wanted to have a goodbye BBQ for three special young ladies who have touched our hearts - Katie Watkins, Patricia Angeles and Elizabeth Arias and which in the next week will be leaving to school.

As I write this my heart does that thing where its feels like it is overflowing - but its my eyes that fill with tears.

For the past many years I have been blessed to be married to the Youth Director at our church - which meant that I was blessed to be able to help him in whatever he needed me to do. This was never truly a job but it was a part of our lives, a part of our family.

When we are introduced into these young lives they are entering 6th grade... when they leave they are preparing to enter college - and its hard because they enter our hearts, our lives and then the time comes where we must let them go.

It was so funny watching them yesterday and listening to their conversations and feeling their excitement... they were no longer those awkward 6th graders... but these beautiful young ladies - they were beaming at the beginning of their new stage in life. So they tell me not to be sad - that they will be back to visit, that they love us, and all those sweet words - but letting go is so hard to do and even though they are not our children, we are beyond blessed that their parents have trusted us so much to allow us to be a part of their lives and to be a part of our family. As the mother hen - I want to be able to bottle up all of our love for them, all of our prayers, hugs and kisses... so when they find themselves alone, struggling, afraid... they can open it up and be surrounded by love... and know they are loved.

It is such an incredible blessing to see how these young ladies have grown and been such a tremendous blessing in our lives and the lives of so many. To see how they have grown spiritually and ministered to others and how they have been such a wonderful example to those around them.

My husband is not an emotional guy... but he has a heart filled with love for these young ladies. ...

My dear beautiful ones - always always remember these three things: remember who you are and whose you are... “you is kind. you is smart. you is important.”(Kathryn Stockett, The Help) and - you are loved beyond words...

There is this song that I have dedicated to my son Ben and I also want to dedicate to you three:  Mark Harris - Wings to Fly.

And my darling ones - I am sure that these are also the words your parents pray for you always:

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
We love you...

When you reach out...

Photo by Emmanuel Gundra - Monica's Husband
On Thursday, I went with my friend Monica to visit one of our church members - Ms. Marge Rebecky who is in her 90's and very sick.

After I got home, despite being sad seeing Ms. Marge in that condition - I also felt so blessed seeing my friend Monica love Ms. Marge with her touch and words... it was just to tender.  I sent Monica a note saying how thankful I was for her friendship but most of all seeing her heart in action... I found it to be such a gift.  How I wish I could have captured those moments to share with you... because they are indescribable.  

Her reply to me was so true that I needed to share it with you... and I hope you are also touched by it.

"Reaching out takes something from you and puts it onto someone else. When you walk away you leave changed. Changed because you have given away a part of yourself but also that person put something in you. The pain you see, the tears, the words Please help me. That never leaves your mind, it plays over and over again. So you say next time I won't give in. But when the Lord touches you, you are never the same and you have to share that Love with another."  Monica Gundran 

As I read her reply to me - it reaches my heart...  When the Lord touches you, you are never the same again - we become more Christlike - our desire becomes to be more like Him and sharing that love -that only comes from Him - with others, even in the most difficult moments...  In giving of ourselves - we are blessed beyond words and filled by Him with more of Him.

Be blessed...

Tonight I Saw Love

Tonight I went to visit Ms Marge Rebecky. 

Ms Marge is a tiny woman - 93 or 94 years old.  She was the greeter at our church.  Each Sunday morning when you would come to the second service - there she was... looking all pretty with her well coordinated outfits and matching accessories with her perfect hair and makeup... there she would stand at the entrance and greet you with a grandmotherly smile.... say hello and hand you a church bulletin. 

Always with a kind word and a twinkle in her eye.

But Ms. Marge was slowly deteriorating...

One Sunday she was there and the next Sunday - her son calls me over to tell me how sick she was. It was unbelievable...she was just here and I was complimenting her on how beautiful her hair looked.  

Ms. Marge is now is very very sick. She may not have long to live. When  I went to visit her tonight - she was calling out to her brother and sister- both who have passed away.

I went to visit her with my friend Monica.  When we got there Ms. Marge was experiencing anxiety... and was a little fidgety, calling out to her loved ones which were not there... but beyond all that - it was that peace, that love, that something that is indescribable that you know can only come from knowing Jesus.

When the time came for her to eat, I switched seats and sat across from her.  And was able to see this love from another point of view... I saw Monica hold her hand and try comfort her... 

I heard her daughter share her stories and how from time to time she remembers little things...

I saw her son talk to her, stroke her hair, hold her hand and take care of her.  He would ask her - "Do you love me" and she would reply "yes I do".  I could only think of how blessed Marge is even now... to be loved so much during this time. How can a son do this -   and all that came to my heart was Philippians 4:6-7 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God,which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." The peace of God which surpasses all understanding... how beautiful is that... that even during these difficult moments - the Lord will give you a peace that cannot be explained... 

Tonight I saw love... 

Thank you Monica - for showing your beautiful, tender and gentle heart... time and time again I see this special gift in you that the Lord has given to you... I am so blessed to know you.

Yes tonight I saw love...

A Song for Troubled Hearts - Notes and Video Sermon

Several years ago my husband felt led to start a video ministry - Arise Video Ministry. Each Sunday he videotapes the messages and then can be viewed on his site, the church website and on Facebook. It has been such an incredible blessing to know that the Sunday messages are being viewed all over the world... we even heard a testimony of how they were even seen overseas by someone who we know who is in the military... what a total blessing that is!!! All glory to God...

I wanted to take this opportunity to share the video of Sunday's message and my notes... I pray you are blessed by it!!! For the video click here: 
Video Message

Here are my notes - I hope they make sense... I tried to get further detail from Pastor Bill's notes.

This Psalm was written by King David when he was old. He is looking back on his life.

A. Many times there is a tendency to get frustrated with the way things always seem to go
1. God’s Word is a solution to that problem (Psalm 119:105 “your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”)
2. How is God’s word the solution? It gives us perspective, peace, wisdom and discernment.

B. In Psalm 37 we find a prescription of practical instructions to help us maintain and develop a true Biblical understanding - its not enough to just know.

I. Five things we must do to keep from having a troubled heart

A. “Trust in the Lord” v. 37:3
 1. The word has the idea of refuge - safety, speaking of being in a refuge. *Find your refuge in God. Put your full faith and trust in God. Your emotions will take you places you don't want to go.
 2. To have is “trust” we must practice the principle of “ dwelling”. vs. 3 “Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness”
You are where you are for a specific reason. Be faithful where you are at. I need to make a choice every day.
Dwelling has the idea of abiding, residing, settling in. The NIV puts it this way “Dwell in the land enjoy safe pasture.” Instead of allowing ourselves to be troubled or worried, David urges us to feed like humble sheep on the faithfulness of God.

B. “Do “Good” vs. 37:3 James 2:20, 26, 18, 22
I have to act in my faith, showing my trust in God. Faith = Action. I have to choose to step out.

C. “Delight in the Lord” vs. 37:4
 1. The Hebrew word for “delight” is a feminine word having the picture of a new bride who has deliberately chosen to seek her happiness in her husband.
 2. As she yields to him, she finds delight.
Delight means not to be strong for yourself, trying to work everything out by yourself. Let God be strong for you. He is always there and always the same.
God is in control - I am going to delight myself in Him.
There are certain things we can do and should do about our circumstances. But, there are times in life when we need to step back and say, “Lord, this is too hard, there’s nothing I can do. I will direct my energy into delighting in you and let you work on my behalf.”
The world delights in their portion, we must delight in our God. As we delight in Him it cures the troubled heart.

D. “Commit your way to the Lord” vs.37:5
1. Here the word “commit” literally means to “roll your way upon the Lord
It has the idea of getting rid of heavy burdens and rolling it right off your shoulders.
 2. Everything in regard to the manner in which we live is to be committed to the Lord.
 3. God will take care of your interests not allowing you to be ultimately wronged.  Psalm 37:6, Psalm 55:22, Matthew 6:25-32
The cure for a troubled heart—don’t carry the weight of “the maybe’s” and “what if’s” of life. Roll them upon the Lord. - Commit them to Him. - We can trust Him.
Psalm 55:22 “Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.”

E. “Rest (be still) in the Lord, waiting patiently". vs. 37:7
 1. The Hebrew word for “rest” means to be mute, silent, still (to quit striving).
The idea of waiting is silent, patience or confidence. The idea of leaving the whole matter with Him, without being anxious regarding the result.
 2. God does not always act in behalf of His people immediately. Why? God may seem to delay for a long time; it may seem strange that He does not act, but you are not troubled. (“In quietness and confidence we find our strength” Isaiah 30:15)
 3. God will always prove faithful.
“Those who wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth” Psalm 37:9

II. Three things we must not do if we wish to keep from having a troubled heart

A. “Do not be envious toward wrong doers” vs. 37:1 Here it refers to the feeling which springs up in the mind when we see persons of wicked character prosper while we who are endeavoring to do right are left to disappointment and tears.

B. “Cease from anger. vs. 37:8 - This is in reference to the fact that there are wicked people and they are permitted to carry out their plans. Don’t allow your mind to be filled with anger because God is patient with them and they are allowed a temporary triumph. James 1:20, Romans 12:21

C. “Do not Fret” vs. 37:1, 7, 8
It means to work up anger within yourself. You can express the same idea by the word “worrying”. A state of mind where we are worried because others are prosperous and we are not.

Instead of focusing on envy, anger and worrying - let us focus on
a. Trusting in the Lord.
b. Doing Good.
c. Delighting in the Lord.
d. Committing our way to the Lord.
e. Resting in, waiting patiently for the Lord.

Trust and Obey

This past Sunday, Pastor preached on Psalm 37... and you see my life verse is Psalm 37:4 - "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" is one of the verses in this Psalm. Pastor titled his message "A Song for Troubled Hearts".  I was so blessed to be able to capture so many new points to this Psalm. I hope to be able to share the video of his message and my notes tomorrow with you.

This verse is so special to me because when I first came to the Lord - this was one of the first verses my spiritual mom shared with me and the moment I first heard it I claimed it as my own. There are many other verses I love and hold close to my heart - but this was the very first verse that I memorized and which spoke to me. I made that promise personal. By delighting in Him, trusting in Him, committing my way to Him, and waiting on Him, yes, He would give me the desires of my heart. Scripture tells us He will. But God's timing may not be our timing. So I found my joy in Him, my pleasure in discovering more about Him and following His will.... not in what the world was offering me - I put Him first above all things (and I mean all things including my own family).  In His perfect time... He would -not that He might - give me the desires of my heart.

Now the tricky part is "the desires of your heart"... The Lord was not going to fulfill my list of "wants and needs"... He promised to give me the desires of my heart - those things that would bring honor and glory to Him... those things that would bring me closer to Him... The closer I got to my Lord and Savior - those desires that I thought I had were no longer the same... the desires of my heart were now to learn more, grow more... surround myself with believers... the cost, the price was a high one... but it was nothing compared to the price my Lord and Savior paid for me. How true the famous hymn writer was when he wrote the words "Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey" (John H. Sammis). Because that is the key to the Christian life. You will never be sorry for trusting and obeying and waiting on Him. 

*And just a tid bit of information on this hymn which is an interesting one: "In 1887, just following an evangelistic meeting held by Dwight L. Moody, a young man stood to share his story in an after-service testimony meeting. As he was speaking, it became clear to many that he knew little about the Bible or acceptable Christian doctrine. His closing lines, however, spoke volumes to seasoned and new believers alike: I'm not quite sure. But I'm going to trust, and I'm going to obey. Daniel Towner was so struck by the power of those simple words that he quickly jotted them down, then delivered them to John Sammis, who developed the lyrics to Trust and Obey. Towner composed the music and the song quickly became a favorite." Sharefaith.com

Trust that the Lord will give you the desires of your heart - those and so much more... and those desires may even be different desires than what you thought you had... but my friend you will never regret it the decision to trusting and obeying Him... The Lord has extraordinary plans for you and me when we simply put Him first!!! 

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21N ESV).

Our Old School Pastor

I wanted to share the message on the message my Pastor preached on this Sunday, but as I started typing - I took a detour from the message to sharing about my Pastor.

So my Pastor's name is William Hegedus... we call him Pastor Bill. He has alot of interesting qualities but one specific one that stands out to me is that he is very "creative". It stands out for me because I consider myself to be pretty creative but just thinking of some things make me laugh... You see Pastor Bill loves to share on his old school creativeness. One which he has shared is that when he found a picture or a clipart he wanted to use - he would rubber cement it on a piece of paper and then make copies... (he still tries and go old school minus the rubber cement - but praise God he is getting better on finding new images on his computer). Which is another topic all on its own... it was only until several years ago that he actually truly began using a computer which has its ups and downs - Pastor Bill functions at a much faster level than his computer!!! But those are some of the qualities that make him unique. He is still old school - not caught up in all this technology - and I appreciate that about him.

One cool thing about our Pastor is that he loves putting his messages to themes (if that makes sense lol) - and there is usually a series of messages behind it... there are times when it can take on a life of its own. The last series - Be The Change - he had stickers made for us and even glow in the dark bracelets (which my darling husband has a growing collection of - his arm alone can practically light up our bedroom at night). Pastor loves his banners!! He has a banner made with the name of the series which goes over the pulpit - he wants us to make sure we do not forget what he is preaching on... and sometimes he can get quite creative finding the right logo to go on the banner... and I guess its those little or big details that so many appreciate about him.

Well this Summer the theme is the Book of Psalms... and the series is called Summer Songs. Pastor, together with the Elders (my hubby being one of them) and various deacons have been and will be preaching on a Psalm they have selected.

I don't know if I'm being hmmmm what's the word - impartial... since he is my Pastor - but I feel that his messages are pretty incredible... I don't know if I've mentioned to you that I work at my church - I'm the Financial Administrator and the Assistant to the Church Administrator - I guess they are just big titles - which basically sum up doing whatever needs to be done (which I love and am blessed to be able to do ministry every day). One of the quirks of working at the church is that I type up the Sunday bulletin. Its an outlet where I can be creative. Well our Pastor LOVES his outlines!!! He writes out his messages which his wife types out and he'll give me his outline which I type out for our weekly bulletins. Other pastors might give you a blank area in the bulletin for you to take notes... not our Pastor... he has his outline with fill the blanks!!! Its funny because if you know me - I love to take notes... oh back in the day I would practically write out the whole message in my first church in Spanish - I enjoy being able to capture the words and put them on paper... I feel that in writing it out - it sticks in my head (heart) better!!!

Well one of the interesting things about these outlines and our Pastor is that there are times when Pastor will detour from part of his outline or will reword something just a little bit that will cause me to have a "fill in" without an answer!!! Oh my goodness I just laugh some more thinking about it - this is very difficult to move past - I don't like leaving blank lines!!!

Through the years I have had two very special sisters sit next to me (Alina and Elizabeth Arias) who I truly love and adore... but the problem is that they also feel the same way as I do in regards to taking notes... so when Pastor doesn't give us that "answer" its sends us into a frenzy - we start looking around as if the missing answer is going to pop out of the pew in front of us lol.... oh if we could only raise our hands: "Pastor, Pastor... ughhhh what was the answer to 2b?" But thank goodness we can't because we would be interrupting every two minutes either having him repeat something a tad slower or explain it a little more. But in a couple of weeks - it won't be the same... Alina who is now married sits next to her hubby and Elizabeth has graduated High School and in about two weeks is leaving to college... ughhhh - ay ay ay goodness that will be one interesting Sunday!!!

Yep my Pastor is old school... but I wouldn't change him for anything... He loves the Lord, he's a man of God, and we are blessed to have him as our Pastor!!! Its just fascinating listening to him share about all his "creative" tricks and how he used to do it... Wow - it would be quiet fascinating to have his brain and all those ideas with today's technology... but then again it wouldn't be Pastor Bill...

Pretty Surprising

My daughter Elizabeth chose this pic -
she loves animal print!!!
I love reading the blogs of other women... I find their live stories so interesting, funny, inspiring, encouraging. I began my blog to share about my life and what God put in my heart... and knowing that a couple of my friends would visit my blog from time to time to encourage and support what I was doing...

Back in February I gave some things up, took a break from technology... one of those things was the social media Facebook.  I posted for about two weeks... and then little by little I stopped blogging. And then like always - life gets "busy" (but does it really) and the things that aren't as "important" (ore we feel aren't as important) get put in the back burner... and if I am to be honest that is what happened with me...  I got back on Facebook and before I knew it, I was sharing in bits and pieces on Facebook instead of on my blog.

What did surprise me is that it wasn't only my close friends reading my blog but many others from all over.  Never thought that others would find my "stuff" interesting... but God works in remarkable ways.

I want to take this time to say thank you for dropping by and reading what I have to share... thank you for your notes of encouragement and support...  thank you for sharing with me your life, your prayer requests, your struggles, your joys, your blessings.

The Lord has really been working in my heart with the time spent on Facebook - so little by little I've been withdrawing and I'm back!!!. I'm looking forward to sharing more with you and I look forward to also hearing from you.

Be blessed!!!