How she longs for his cry...

I just finished cuddling with my baby girl... I needed to feel her close to me with her arms around my neck...

And then the tears just overwhelmed me...

To know that she is not mine... my precious children belong to the Lord and He has entrusted me with them for a given time - how long that time is - only He knows.

Oh how many times I say and think that I have to - that I need to spend more time with my children... that I need to stop yelling and shouting so much... that I need to hug and kiss more... and then I'm back to where I started.

I am sorry I keep sharing so much about my friend Lucille who lost her 16 month old baby yesterday... but sometimes God puts us in midst of certain situations to teach us things... oh and this lesson was so heartbreaking. 

How her heart must ache for her son... how her arms must hurt because she is not able to hold him one more time... how her ears wish for the sound of him calling out to her or even the sounds of his cries... and how we take it for granted and how we tend to complain when they are hanging us on to or screaming for something... and now how a mom now wishes she had that opportunity once again - how she would give anything to have her baby back.

My heart hurts so much right now... and my my heart cries out to Jesus as I ask Him to forgive me for those moments when I didn't love my children as much, or when I pushed them away or told them to stop... Oh my Jesus... make me sensitive to my children's moments... and a constant reminder that they are yours... and you may take them back at any time... help me to remember to cherish them because life goes to fast... and one day they will no longer be babies... make me an instrument that you can use to raise Godly men and Godly women who long to serve you and worship you... 

Jesus make me a mother after your own heart... one who imitates you...