All the voices...

If you’re anything like me, you have several voices in your head telling you what to do. (I may just have admitted that I should be admitted.)

I have voices in my head like this:

“Don’t compliment your child too much or they will be vain.”

“Make sure you require first-time obedience.”

“You shouldn’t be making any money.”

“You shouldn’t let your kids watch that movie.”

“You should be good at cleaning by now.”

“You should always be submissive to your husband without any argument.”

There is a long line of voices, and some are good and some aren’t, but the point is, none of them really matter. There is only One voice that matters, and that is the one that needs to be listened to.

I need to listen to that voice even when others think I’m wrong.

I need to listen to that voice even when it’s easier to take someone else’s opinion.

I even need to listen to that voice when that voice points to how He made me…I need to listen to my gut sometimes (maybe that is the Holy Spirit).

If I want to compliment my kiddos day and night and tell them they are “good” and “important” and “beautiful” then I’m going to do that. If I know that God is doing something in my life even when others don’t understand, I’m going to say, “Okay God, I trust you with this so I’m going to dance it out as you lead.” Etc., etc.

It is so freeing to hone in on my Father’s voice and push out the others. It’s not easy (there are so many voices), but I’m learning how to distinguish His (and it certainly helps if I’m staying in the Word everyday –one of my goals).

If you have many voices telling you how to act, what to do (or not do), might I encourage you to ask God to teach you to hear His voice? Listen to Him, He will guide gently, and He isn’t in a box (so don’t assume). Approach His throne of grace, and push back all others.

If you know Him, you have His spirit. Listen.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

By S. Mae