Yesterday there was a shooting in Arizona... I first heard about it through facebook and saw several postings - I turned on the tv and heard that Rep. Gabrielle Gibbons was shot, six were killed and others wounded.
I suppose this shooting isn't any different from shootings that happen every day, all around the world... where people are injured or die. But yesterday when I heard about this shooting the word midst from James 4:14 came to mind ("yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."). These people were at a supermarket, maybe listening to the Representative, going shopping or standing around. In a blink of an eye - life changes. The Representative got shot in the head and is in serious condition. Her life will never be the same... There was a nine year old girl who was just elected to the student council in her school who was shot and killed, whose family will never be the same.
We are a people who think we are invincible. We don't tend to think about death or our own death. But in reality our life is like a vapor... We truly don't know what is going to happen in an hour, or two, or when we go off to bed. There are no guarantees that we see tomorrow. Yes, this can be a frightening thought because its a topic no one likes to speak about or deal with... If we have true faith in God we can face the uncertainty of tomorrow with peace, knowing that He is in control of our tomorrows.
We tend to think that we are in control of our own lives... and that we can control the outcomes of events we face without His help... but there is nothing furthest from the truth. Our lives here on this earth are short, it is temporary and we must remember this. We must prepare for what is to come when this life is over. We need to trust in God, and always remember that God, not man, is in control of our now and tomorrows...
Who is in control of your tomorrows??
Picture Vanished Flame by Lowjacker