Too much Clorox...

Sooooo, if in reality I did have my own show... I would have to cancel my show for today and the news stations would have been filming me from my hospital bed.

Due to all the Clorox I inhaled yesterday during my cleaning spree... my body REFUSED to give me a second wind of energy.   So from my couch - I was thinking of ways of how I would educate my "audience" on the dangers of too much Clorox use. (woooo hoooo but my bathroom sure did smell good today lol).  So after considering against using some sort of "mask" for cleaning, I am excited to say that tomorrow right after work I am hunting down a Mr. Clean product!!!!  Its some sort of Mr. Clean spray thing that smells like Febreeze Rain scent... mmmmm and I love rain scent products!!!!  And supposedly it works REALLY good!!!!  Yes yes yes, I know what some of you are thinking - I can just use regular Mr. Clean - but how exciting would that be?  So to my lovely audience - CAREFUL with too much Clorox!!!

But I'm on a roll - yes sir I am!!!  I've already got my menu for the week!!!!  Home Simple had this really cute Menu Planner I'm going to start using (just can't use any sort of stuff - have to make sure its cute and pretty!!!)  So manana.... I'm going to try a new recipe - Sweet Citrus Chicken.  I'll let you know how it works!!!  All this organization and stuff is kinda of scary but it is time!!!  The hubby is going to be studying more, we are going to start working out and I'm going to start crafting (I have to work on some pretty gifts for my sweet, precious and beautiful daughters, nieces and girls at my church!!!  All the supplies have come in so its time to see how this will go).

Today, I was listening to Maya Angelou - and she said something to the affect that we teach all time, all of us do - whether we know it or not, whether we take responsibility for it or not... and in order to teach others we have to be walking the walk... we can't just talk about it or tell others to do it.  So if I want my kids to pick up their rooms and be organized - they can't just hear me YELL it at the top of my lungs... I have to be doing it also, consistently... so I am going to TRY really hard to do this... My home has become a house - its time to make it a home once again.

Something to try this week:
After sharing something with someone very special to me she recommended that everyday I say 10 affirming things to each person in my family.  Whoa - 10!!!!  That seemed like alot... but I'm going to do it... why don't you try it too... with your husband, children, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.... throughout the day share with them words of affirmation.