We have agreed to read the Bible in a year - in chronological order... one would think this would be an easy thing to do... you pick up the bible and read it. Well not in our household - its not quite that easy.
My husband loves the Word, he loves reading it and studying it and learning. He takes great care of his bibles. He loves passing on this passion to others. If I am honest - at first I truly didn't understand what this was all about. Now... I don't complain - I have come to realize that this is a wonderful "addiction" if I can call it that.
He loves buying bibles for others... and not just any Bible. He takes careful consideration as to the color of the bible, the size, the version. He is always concerned of who has a Bible and who doesn't... what version they are reading... and even if they have the proper highlighter (not just any highlighter will do - trust me - he's done the research). He takes this experience to a different level. Its a passion!!!
Sometimes a Bible isn't enough... there is also great importance in the audio bible... I don't know how many different versions we have (when I tell him this - he chuckles). But its great - the kids can follow along... and we can pronounce the words correctly. With each version he always replies "this is the coolest thing".
This year I don't know how many bibles he has given out as gifts... and for Christmas he has gotten devotionals for our entire youth group and leaders. He is determined to get as many people excited and on board in reading the bible this year. He figures that so many people spend money on so many other things for others that are really of no importance - but he is always thinking of spending it to feed someone spiritually.
Its a blessing to me to know that my husband can be "addicted" to sooo many other things... but he has chosen the greatest of them all - God's word!!!