Day 13 - Thankful

Elder John Occhiogrosso message really truly struck a chord in my heart.

There was one thing he mentioned that wow was hard to swallow...  because we never stop to think about it.  Yes we are to bear one another's burdens - but we need to make sure that we are not the burden or the source of any burden - can it be possible... that maybe I get so caught up in myself that I become a burden or a source of it.  It has just made me stop and think and truly pray about it - I just can't imagine adding "stuff" to someone's life, that my "stuff" may possibly be a road block to something that God may be trying to do.  AHHHHHHH

But God is so very very good - because in meditating and praying about this and in my "concern" and new "worry" the Lord hit me over the head and first He gave me peace about it and secondly He stirred up blessings in my heart.  He reminded me of people who He has placed in my life who have been a tremendous blessing to me with my own burdens... those "agents" that God used - even when I was being prideful and saying no I really don't need it (when in my heart I was thinking if I could only get out of the way and accept this blessing) praise God that she didn't give up either and said here. Or whether it was listening, praying, encouraging,  a shoulder, a card - just something that God used through a life to say I am here, you are not alone - I've got this...

Yes I for one get caught up in my "burdens" and weighted down... but I am so thankful that God speaks to the hearts of men, who share these messages with us and remind us of certain truths and that even in the midst of those burdens I have to remember how blessed I am.

Today I have been able to just thank God for those lives that in some way, shape or form eased a burdened in my life.

Yes God... use me...